Sunday Secrets
P.O. Secrets is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard.
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Please let the dad of the child with Autism know that he is not alone. I am the mother of a little girl with Autism, and I know it's exhausting. People constantly judge you as a parent when they look at what seems to be a typical child acting out.

There's a lot of us out there who are facing the same battles, but we also celebrate the achievements together.
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I liked the PostSecret that says, "Now that I'm happy, I hardly ever read PostSecret anymore." I'm happy for that person. But funny enough, the opposite is true of me - now that I'm happy from overcoming one of my biggest secrets, I read PostSecret all the time. PostSecret has become less painful to read once I didn't have to see myself reflected in so many of those secrets, didn't have to confront myself...
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To the creator of the secret who has yet to make love-- Thank you. I'm technically "waiting" for you too.

Future wife
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. . . Yet I believe that in our brokeness, we are still able to reach out and help another. . .
More Secrets
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Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 12:22 AM
Subject: school nurse

When I got overwhelmed in high school I would go there too. They were the first ones to notice something was wrong, and they were the first ones to help.

You are the reason I have the strength to ask for help when I need it. I forgot how much you meant to me until I saw this secret.
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I liked the PostSecret that says, "Now that I'm happy, I hardly ever read PostSecret anymore." I'm happy for that person. But funny enough, the opposite is true of me - now that I'm happy from overcoming one of my biggest secrets, I read PostSecret all the time. PostSecret has become less painful to read once I didn't have to see myself reflected in so many of those secrets, didn't have to confront myself...
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